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Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus

Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus

Standing Tall

Telephone02 4385 6802


Our consequences

Inappropriate student behaviour can be dealt with any of the following, depending on the severity of the issue.

Restorative practice model

Many issues student identify can be resolved by having all parties participate in a structured conference where everyone has the right and the responsibility to give their perspective of the issue, how it affects them and others and how the issue can be addressed.

We have experienced much success with this approach since it supports students to develop life long conflict resolution skills while allowing them to see that every action has an effect on others and that everyone has a different perspective on issues. A powerful learning experience for all who participate!


Detentions are given for poor behaviour in the classroom, the playground, and sport. The detentions are designed to give students time to reflect on their behaviour and make changes to improve their behaviour.

The types of detentions include

  • Class teacher detention – normally done for part of recess and lunch.
  • Head teacher detention – normally done for part of recess and lunch.
  • Deputy principals' detention – these are given for repeated minor misbehaviours or a single incident not serious enough for suspension. One example is an incident of truancy. Failure to change the behaviour or refusal to do these detentions will result in suspension.


If a student's behaviour is completely unacceptable, the principal, in line with the policy of the department, will impose a suspension. Violence in any form and rudeness to teachers is considered to be totally unacceptable. Contact will be made with parents and a meeting time established to work through the issue that led to the suspension.

Monitoring cards

Students are placed on this by the classroom teacher, head teacher or deputy prinicpals as a result of a return from suspension, attendance concerns, programs of improvement or parental concerns.

Student's attitude, conduct, and work completion are monitored and rated. Cards are taken home each night so that parents/carers can also see how their child is going. The card is returned to the deputy principal before 8:00 am each day.

Pupil profiles

From time to time current information is needed on particular students. This is usually gathered via a pupil profile sheet distributed by year adviser.