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Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus

Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus

Standing Tall

Telephone02 4385 6802


Our expectations

We believe that students will be our future leaders, framing the values within society.

To this end, leadership programs are implemented to develop these skills in Years 7 to 10. Students who have attended TLSC – Tumbi Umbi Campus have accomplishments which are wide ranging at University and in the workforce, and pursue careers across a diverse range of professions and trades.

The students of TLSC – Tumbi Umbi Campus are motivated to excel in any field of endeavour they undertake through the variety of activities which they experience both in compulsory curriculum and through the co-curricular activities offered.

A student's behaviour should be such that it does not interfere with, offend, hurt or inconvenience any other person within the school environment. Behaviour outside the campus should be such as to bring honour to self, parents, and campus. If self-discipline is strong, then imposed discipline is not necessary. It is a privilege to attend TLSC - Tumbi Umbi Campus and honour to stay, and as such, thoughts actions and deeds need to be respectful and responsible.

Our aim is to recognise and reward positive choices. We ask for and expect parental support for the standard of behaviour set for our students and any disciplinary action we take to ensure that these standards are maintained. Misbehaviour outside hours outside the campus grounds should be reported to the appropriate authorities (ie parents or the police).

It is well recognised that children grow into responsible adults when they have clear boundaries and consistency in expectations. TLSC - Tumbi Umbi Campus has a consistent and fair discipline system that was developed in consultation with students and our community. We believe that students learn best from their mistakes when the campus, parents and the student work together to solve the problem, remembering that all solutions involve the student needing to make some changes in their attitudes and behaviours. They need supportive adults to help them make changes. We aim to be part of that team of supportive adults.

All teachers have a responsibility to establish and maintain a positive learning environment through strong, fair, consistent discipline. Where a student disrupts their own or other's learning or fails to comply with campus expectations, then parents will be informed. Parents are also invited to make contact with the campus at any time to discuss their child's progress and behaviour.