Tumbi Umbi Campus is fortunate in being a host campus for three special education classes, called the utopia program.
These classes are operated by highly experienced teachers and school learning support officers. Their focus is always on ensuring that every student achieves personal best and becomes a recognised and respected member of the campus community.
Students enrolled in utopia access all areas of the campus and all campus programs as appropriate to their learning needs and level of independence.
We respect these students for the lessons they teach us all in persistence and determination. They bring a richness to our campus culture and an increased level of understanding and acceptance of individual differences. The campus is indeed fortunate to host these classes.
Learning opportunities for students enrolled in TSC (Tumbi Support Class)
Core subjects
All students enrolled in utopia classes participate in the core subjects of English, mathematics, science, and HSIE. Programs in these subjects are individualised for each student in conjunction with their personalised learning plan (PLP) which is established at the beginning of each year.
Students in utopia classes access technology using iPads and laptops. The iPads are an excellent resource used in the classrooms to enhance student engagement. They provide support for visual and tactile learners, assist fine motor skills development and many apps are individualised to meet student needs.
Work education
Students access a range of work education programs including:
Community access
This program is specifically designed to teach students skills in catching public transport, shopping for food, handling money, accessing the community library and other public facilities.
Food technology
This program teaches students basic meal preparation. Skills developed include correct food handling, hygiene, and kitchen safety.
This program takes the students out of the classroom and provides them with practical gardening skills. Students grow produce which is sold to staff and parents and used in their food technology lessons.
Students have the opportunity to fully participate in the variety of sports offered by the campus. Students are encouraged to participate in all campus sport days including:
- swimming carnival
- athletics carnival
- cross-country
- gala days
- sports days with students from other classes across the Central Coast.

Off-campus opportunities
Riding for the disabled (RDA)
This is an excellent program for students in utopia. At present, a number of students across all three classes attend riding lessons at the RDA facility at Kariong. Students have the opportunity to enjoy a safe, healthy, stimulating and therapeutic activity with horses.
Students participate in a range of fundraising activities to assist with the cost of the school garden program and Utopia camps and excursions. Fundraising activities include Bunnings BBQs, weekly B block BBQ for staff members, and the sale of produce from the garden, and hand-made Christmas wrapping paper.
Each year students have the opportunity to attend a school camp, at various locations. These camps are aimed at building positive relationships and self-esteem, challenging one's abilities and having lots of fun!
All camps are conducted in a safe environment with specially trained staff, which caters for a range of students and their differing abilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience quality outdoor education opportunities.
A range of excursions are offered to the students each term. These are organised around the programs being studied and contribute to the enhancement of their learning experiences.