TLSC Tumbi Umbi Campus has moved away from using the term welfare to using the term wellbeing.
The reason for this is simple. Welfare gives the impression of giving responsibility for personal safety and sensible decisionmaking to someone else.
Wellbeing is more closely aligned with being responsible for yourself and seeking assistance to make good choices about your own actions, future, and health.
TLSC Tumbi Umbi Campus has always closely followed the principles of choice theory where, we as thinking beings make active choices with everything we think, say and do. Over time other principles, including restorative practices, upstander behaviour, and a sense of gratitude have been added to the principles of choice theory to best reflect the needs of our students, the community we serve and the societal changes the world is experiencing.
We believe that regardless of what is happening beyond the campus, the key to a bright future rests with quality education. There is no doubt that those who are well educated have the resources to better control their lives and future. We aim to ensure that every program we put into place to build our students' wellbeing, serves the purpose of allowing every student to learn and achieve at their personal best.
Our successful wellbeing programs have worked and continue to work with students, parents/carers, community and staff to create and maintain a campus with
- a fair and consistent approach to discipline based on respectful relationships, clear boundaries and consistency in expectations
- quality teaching and learning occurring in all classrooms, every day, every lesson
- active community participation across our campus.
Behaviour Code for Students