Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus

Standing Tall

Telephone02 4385 6802


Tumbi panics

Wednesday 10 September, those who attended Tumbi Panics were treated to an excellent night's entertainment through the showcase of our students' many and varied talents.

The evening commenced with a stop off at the Candy Bar for refreshments, a quick photo at the photo booth and a chance to walk the red carpet through the blaze of lights and into the PWS.

The thought behind the staging of the event showed the level of expectation that students and their teachers had for the evening.  What came next did not disappoint.

Jack, Abbey ad Paris were suitably relaxed and polished in their MC roles and as such put the performers at ease and the audience in the right frame of mind to really listen to and watch each act.

At the end of the evening a total of 36 acts performed ranging from monologues (and weren't they telling a story), dance (oh to be able to move like that). Mime (the power of facelessness can never underestimated), film (Utopia rocked...again) and drama pieces.

 Once again our students and their teachers put themselves out there to show the learning that occurs in their classrooms and the impact that learning has on shaping thoughts and actions.

 A huge thank you to Ms Taylor and Ms Proust for their tireless work in preparing students for this event and for making it an assessment practice that matches the purpose of their subject area.

 Hats off the Mr Chittick and his team for behind the scenes in preparing the staging - the sets crew and the stage ninjas were awesome and as for the Photo Booth and Candy Bar….Congratulations and thank you to the rest of the CAPA Faculty for your team approach to everything that you do and the supportive   manner in which all events are undertaken.  Thank you to Mr Brailey for ensuring that the team have     every opportunity to spread their wings, try new things and grow from the trust, commitment and               leadership shown them every day.

It was great to see so many staff there supporting students and colleagues and enjoying a wonderful night with parents, carers and community.