10 Nov 2014
Our Canteen is undergoing some great changes to ensure that our service is meeting the needs of students and also allowing parents/carers to make lunch orders online. These changes are the result of significant work with students and the P&C. We will have a new menu in place from Monday 17 November. We will also be introducing orders for lunch and also recess for food items. Orders will need to be made by 8.00am either using the service of Flexischools.com.au or giving a completed lunch order bag to the Canteen. Thank you for taking a moment to read the letter for parents/carers given to students on 10 November. A copy of the new menu is also attached. We are expecting strong support from students. The new menu also sees a 10 - 15% cut in prices.
Parent/carer letter (pdf 158 KB)
Menu 17.11.14 (pdf 282 KB)